a great (short) read

Friday, April 28, 2017

I found this to be a nice little read today! 
I am headed to a Minneapolis Find Your Village gathering tomorrow and am SO excited about it. 
I will have to blog a little about it after ... and next week I get one appointment checked off my list of things to do! My records were sent to my former OB's office and I see him on Tuesday. 


home visits and appointments

Monday, April 24, 2017
We have our home visit scheduled for May 19th! That will be yet another thing to check off our list of things to do.
I did find out today I need to find an OB for my yearly exam and for medical clearance. I was really hoping the birth center and midwives I used with our 3rd baby would be able to help with all that, but they need an MD after their name. So back to the drawing board. I am going to have to have my records transferred again and have someone go through it all ... again. I am going to be calling my former OB clinic and see if I can get an appointment with the OBGYN that originally cleared me when we were looking at this back in 2014. Hopefully that will help and he will remember me and remember going through everything. I had zero complications with my 3rd birth so I see no reason for him to find anything concerning! It is just a matter of getting everything faxed back over ... and paperwork can seemingly take awhile.

I am hoping when we get to that point I end up back in the care of a midwife/midwife team - even though I would need to be in a hospital for delivery. It is a bummer I could not be at the birth center. I was so comfortable and felt so empowered there. But I know that I can find peace/power that I felt there - anywhere with the right support team!

So that is where we are at right now. Appointments are being set up and paperwork flying around!

Until next time...

picking up where we've left off

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
We have started the process of moving forward once again! My third little is still nursing before nap and bed, so we are getting all our other ducks in a row before the matching can begin (I need to be completely done nursing him).

I set up an appointment to update my yearly physical and have some release forms signed saying I am physically cleared by my midwife to move forward. We are waiting to hear on when my daughter has her dance recitals so I can set up our home visit as well. Hopefully that will be set by next week for sometime in May. We have our mental health exam set up (this is where we had to stop the process last time, when I found out I was pregnant with our own!) for mid June. Then I believe we will have a home visit and start the matching process shortly there after!

Almost everything up until now has felt like we have done it before (well, because we HAVE). Now that we are facing new things I get little butterflies knowing we are that much closer to another step in the process and being matched! Being honest, some days feel like I am in a race car on the track, but I am not the driver. Things move fast, appointments being made quickly and while I am the one making them - it feels little surreal. Other days it is like I am on a city bus and we are stuck in traffic and the bus lane is blocked. There is nothing to do and I go about my day and don't do anything regarding this process.

Our third baby. He made me realize as excited as I was before to carry, my heart truly was not set on our family being done at 2 kiddos - no matter how much I tried to convince myself I think I always would have thought about that one more. Right now, I am completely, 100% confident that we are done and I could not imagine any more children of our own. It is such a comforting mind set to be in and have. How lucky have I been in life. I have always wanted to be a mother. It never crossed my mind growing up that I could possibly have trouble. I didn't. Getting pregnant came so easy. I don't want that to come off as bragging. Every time I look at my kids I am so thankful for them and my heart breaks thinking about women and their husbands who have and do struggle day after day. And gay men and women who want a baby/child and are being held back in one way or another. I can't think of a better way for me to give to someone. I love being pregnant. Yes - some aspects, like opening the fridge and gagging because the air is cold, is less than fun. But I enjoy it and for someone to trust ME - to carry their little human. It is incredible all around.

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