The Tuesday after

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
It has been 4 days since the transfer. We flew out Wednesday evening, spent Thursday wandering around - grabbed an awesome sushi lunch, checked out Target (it is my favorite one!), walked around and went back to the hotel. We enjoyed a home cooked meal at a friend's home before settling back in for the night for transfer Friday.
Transfer day arrived - I did my meds in the morning, ate a light breakfast and off to the clinic we went. Labs were first for a quick blood draw then they sent us up to the surgery center. Every one there was incredibly nice. I had an acupuncture session soon after going into the room - which I fell asleep about 5 minutes after she was done putting the last needle in. DH said I might have snored but oh well - it was that good of a quick nap! Ultrasound came in next to check how full my bladder was. The hardest part about transfer isnt actually the transfer - it is the full bladder. They allowed me to empty a little 2 times - and I made sure to go less than the max they said I could. But seriously - all I could think was "please don't pee on this amazing, renowned Doctor when he is doing the transfer". After I had another acupuncture session where again, I dozed off. About 20 more minutes of laying and resting after acupuncture was finished - we were back to the hotel. We grabbed McDonalds fries because it is a good luck thing among surrogates - and I spent the afternoon sleeping and watching tv. My husband and I chose to not have cable in our home about 2-3 years ago now and we both realized that we do not miss it at all!
Surprisingly bed rest went by pretty fast. Lots of naps and relaxing. I am a belly sleeper which is not allowed, and I was afraid it would take forever to fall asleep - but that was not the case at all thankfully!
Sunday we packed up and made our way to the airport and came home. The kids were very excited to see us - as we were them! That was the longest I have been away from them ever!

The girls were very curious about how it went and if the baby was in my belly. I have always been honest and keeping it in simple terms - they both came up and kissed my belly and said "hello baby" and hugged me again. I always remind them about whose baby it is, and where baby will live ... and they always know the answer. So I am not concerned at all about them being confused. I think our youngest is just too young to really understand so again, I am not worried about him either!

Today before my oldest got on the bus, she touched my belly and asked about the baby. I told her that I will continue to take it easy and we will cross our fingers and say our prayers that baby decides to grow and stay. She leaned in and whispered "you stick around little baby, we will take care of you for your mommy and daddy" - I teared up a bit. She has such a gentle heart. And she is right - we are taking and will take the best care if given the chance.

PIO injections - I admit I had been worried but they do not bother me in the least. Which is a good thing since they will continue for a while into the pregnancy. The needle looks worse than it is and so far I have done them all myself with no issue - so I am thankful for that. So if anyone sees this and is about to start - take a deep breath - remember why you are doing this and don't hesitate. You got this!!!

I think that is all for now ...

The first PIO / Progesterone in Oil Injection

Monday, January 22, 2018
To get ready for transfer I had my first PIO (progesterone in oil) injection today.
The needle is quite bigger than the one for Lupron and it goes in the backside above your bum near the hip area. The shot itself went in fine - I try not to think about it and just do it. I poked it in fast like I was told and pushed the progesterone in slowly. Midway through I felt very clammy and like I was going to pass out. I didn't pass out, but I sure did need to lay down right after for a bit. Luckily my middle child likes cuddles so we enjoyed some Barbie superhero show for a bit while I "recovered".
That is not me complaining - at all. I would do this shot and feel that same way 3(+) times a day if needed to make everything go as planned. It just came as a surprise!
I was set up to video it and then forgot to press record. Maybe Wednesday I will remember. 
I am however proud I gave it to myself! Not that there is any prize or reward in doing so, but I can't always count on my DH to be home at the same time so I wanted to be sure I could so I was able.
(there are two needles shown - the one on the syringe is used to draw the meds, and you switch to the slightly smaller one for injecting)
We are all set to leave at this point. Flights, hotel and transportation are all booked. I head back to my Dr office for one more lab draw tomorrow to check my progesterone levels. I do need to start packing and finish cleaning the last few things around the house I want done before we leave. But otherwise, we are ready. The process seems so slow while you are in it, but for me the last few weeks have flown by since starting medications.
I probably wont write again until after transfer- so if you pray or send good vibes: wish us a safe flight out and arrival to our destination; steady hands for the Dr.'s; good health for everyone involved; for a perfect little embryo that finds itself a home for the next 9ish months; for calm feelings for us, for our IPs and those surrounding us on Friday; and safe travels back home Sunday. Any any other good vibes/prayers you want to send our way!
I have already felt so much love and support from those of you who know what is going on. And I appreciate it more than I could ever say.

Let's do this.

Until next time...

Transfer is ...

Saturday, January 20, 2018
January 26th! Plane tickets are booked and hotel will be booked Monday. Hoping we can either take a hotel shuttle or just use Super Shuttle/Uber. We will not be driving around so a car really isnt necessary!
As excited/anxious as I am - I have to say I am happy they did not move it up to midweek - just solely because of childcare on our end. We are flying out Wednesday evening, will have an appointment on Thursday and transfer will happen Friday! Then we will stay until Sunday and travel back home.
It feels like we just started everything yesterday - I have so many emotions running through my head. All are good. The biggest thing though - is I feel honored. I will go more into that another post.

My bag is out and I have started throwing things in there that I do not want to forget. I don't feel like I will need much so I think packing will go fairly fast!

More to come ...

Level checks and ultrasounds

Friday, January 19, 2018
Meds have been going very well. I went in for an ultrasound on the 12th and my lining was measuring at 12.8. The Dr who will be doing the transfer wanted me to set up another appointment for that Monday (the 15) to repeat the lab and ultrasound as they were considering moving up the transfer to tomorrow. I did not add any patches to my routine, but kept at wearing 2 and have been since. Clearly we are not transferring early. I had one more appointment today and my lining is now at 14! We are just waiting on a call now from the clinic to see what they say and if we will keep our original transfer on the 26th, or move it up to earlier in the week!

More meds

Monday, January 8, 2018
On Saturday I started the estrogen patches along with baby asprin and reduced my Lupron to 5 units from 10.
No new symptoms. My back still hurts like crazy but it is not anything I can not live with! I keep the heating pad out and rest as needed and all is good! I really can or should not be complaining.

I sewed up a new shirt for my oldest yesterday morning. That was relaxing and the new pattern (my first go at a euro pattern!) came together really well! I already have a few more planned in my head to make for her. I also need to get a few other things done .. which I should probably start!!!

Not much else surrogacy related to share - we are moving along each day! 

3 weeks

Friday, January 5, 2018
We are exactly 3 weeks out from our (intended, because it could change a few days depending on how labs/ultrasounds go before then) transfer date! It is hard to believe we are nearing in on the date when too long ago, we had no date and was not sure when things would get rolling!
I stopped birth control pills after the 1st and am only on Lupron for the moment. I am waiting on my cycle to start - I am guessing today some time or tomorrow. I never thought I would find myself wishing it to start!
The side effects from Lupron have been interesting. Headaches were strong up until about 5 days ago. I tried warm and cold compresses, a heating pad, my husband giving me a back rub but nothing would really help. They stopped thankfully. Just a minor blip I suppose! Now I am dealing with some pretty intense lower back pain - today is better than yesterday - where I could barely stand up straight. I left dinner dishes in the sink last night and took care of them this morning because I just wanted to sit (adding - normally my awesome husband would do them - but he was working late and did not arrive home until close to 9 and still had work to do. I told him to just leave them and get to bed when he could! The dishes certainly were not going anywhere. As it was he was working until almost midnight!).
So today seems better. Still sore but it is manageable. And totally not complaining - just to throw that out there. Medications have side effects and they are listed pretty clearly. I think it is just interesting what ones actually happen! (And from reading - they could be a lot worse. So I am thankful they are not).
I finally had to be honest with myself this morning though and tell my husband I would probably punch anyone for their iced coffee if given the chance (actually not punch because I am not violent like that, but I may try and talk them into handing it over!). I really, really miss iced coffee. But, soon enough, I keep reminding myself, I can enjoy a decaf ;)  I mainly just love the taste so decaf does not make me sad like it does to some!
Over Christmas I began cleaning/throwing/selling/donating all of the extra stuff in the house. I am down to one more room before I feel like I have gotten through the majority of it. I am aiming to have it done prior to transfer so it isn't on my mind afterwards! That and I would love if my mom did not walk into a disaster area when she comes to help with the kids when we leave for transfer, and I am sure she would appreciate it as well!

I am still debating if I want to get in for a massage before transfer (just because I wont be able to for a while afterwards, so why not!) and I need to get a chiro appointment or two scheduled as well. I am mentally prepping what I want to bring to transfer to do while on bed rest as well ... I have a new book chosen but that will only get me so far!

That is all for now!

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