Happy Mothers Day

Sunday, May 13, 2018
Dear IM,

Happy Mother's Day to you.

This year looks a little different than next year will! Celebrate today knowing what the future holds and who you already have become. That person who I am guessing that in your heart, you have been for so long.
I carry the great honor of temporarily growing your little one. Today we are 18 weeks - almost halfway there! Time flies, as it always does and before you know it, you will be holding on to your sweet baby like you have been in your heart for so long. To say I am so incredibly excited for you - is a complete understatement!

I can't wait to see you in about 2 weeks!

With love,

17 weeks

Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Not too much to report!
The baby is doing very well. Heart rate was recorded at 155bpm last week with an ultrasound because the little ninja would not stop moving enough to properly document it on the doppler :) The ultrasound tech asked if I knew the sex (I don't, I promise yall!) and asked if I wanted to. Which while I personally enjoy knowing while pregnant - I do not see any reason that I know before the IPs know the sex of their own baby. To be honest, it is not bothering me as much as not knowing with my own did! Just knowing there is a healthy little baby growing and waiting for his/her mom and dad is enough for me!!
(baby is facing screen, it's arm cross the top area near the head)

I finally experienced the soul crushing realization that my favorite sandals (so, when I say favorite, I mean more like "I havent worn them in maybe 2-3 summers but they sounded really comfortable again and THIS was the summer I was going to wear the crap out of them". And by soul crushing - I was a bit bummed and got over it because you cant change it, lol) are now too small. I guess 4 pregnancies really does change the size of your feet! A bummer to ourgrow a pair of Birks - but I will need to watch for a deal somewhere/sometime and perhaps grab the Arizona style this time around! They last forever which is the nice part and were very comfortable.

Anyways - back to baby - because that is why we are here! Baby is starting to make him/herself known. Feeling more and more movement every single day. And every time I just wish IM could feel this instead of me. I am hoping when she is here next time baby will be strong enough to let her feel too! I remind myself what an incredible position I am in to be able to do this for someone else! The next appointment is the day after Memorial day. I am excited to see the IM again as she is flying in for it!

So far I have made 3 tops and 1 pair of shorts. I have 2 more pair of shorts planned along with a handful of other tops and tanks. Spring never came after winter decided to leave - but I am in no way complaining! I like warmer weather and not having to layer up for the cold!!!

More to come :)

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