disconnect and random thoughts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Repeating an earlier thought, so much of this process is hurry up and wait. And wait. And wait (and that is just my experience, I am assuming for IPs - this has been their process for so long).
Last time I chatted about a group chat we had - which was our first. Our second is coming up in the beginning of October. Prior to that it was putting a tentative date on the calendar for my medical work up at the fertility clinic. That is scheduled, but can change if my cycle does not start exactly on the day my app predicts. Right now my work up (if again, my cycle starts on the predicted day) will be on day 13 of my cycle. That is the very last day in that window it can. So with that, our plane tickets and hotel have not been booked, just in case it decides to come early (if it comes a day or two late - that is not big deal. They want to see you between day 5 and 13). So while we have this date in mind - we also realize it could change very quickly!
So there is this disconnect at the moment with the process since we are in this waiting limbo. It isn't a disinterest just to be clear - at the moment though life is continuing and this isn't at the forefront - if that makes sense. We are still very much excited to move forward! Once we start getting closer to my predicted cycle and our flights are booked - I think we will start feeling back in the groove again.

On a random note. I woke up this morning with a kink in my neck. Most mornings I wake up and am pretty sore (our bed ... stinks -not the smell stink for the record. I have a few other words but to remain pretty PG, it is just a really uncomfortable bed). I have never however woken up unable to turn my head to the left! At this moment I have tied a heating pad to my neck/upper back with a sweatshirt to try and help loosen it up for the rest of the day. Some day we will replace it. I think it is about due anyways. Though there is always something else that comes up or needs to happen first. I just remember that we are pretty blessed to have a king sized bed in a warm house to go to sleep in every night ... when so many are without. Especially recently with all the natural disasters.

So deep thoughts and random thoughts ... that might be it for this blog post.

Until next time...

group chat and cheese sticks

Friday, September 8, 2017
Not too much new to update with. I had my first conference call last night and am very excited to be connected to some local surrogates! I am hoping at some point in the near future to get to meet them in person.

In the car today on the way home from Target, my 4 year old started asking about babies. She has her own new baby doll she bought with her birthday gift card at the toy store Monday that has gone with us everywhere - which also means we bring her toy shopping cart everywhere we go so her baby has something to ride in :) She asked about how "the other lady's baby" will get into my belly (she randomly asks so I was not surprised). So far I have just simply answered "science is really cool and a doctor will help it get there". She said she was glad her brother was part of our family and asked if the other baby would have a family to love it. I said of course, I would just get to grow to belly in my tummy and we would take good care of him/her until the day they were born - then the baby would go with its mommy and daddy home to live.
Then she told me the grass was almost touching the sky so someone should mow it so the sun still peeks out - and that she wanted a cheese stick and some grapes while she played in her sand table when we got home.

Some days our conversations are a bit deeper than other days :)

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