group chat and cheese sticks

Friday, September 8, 2017
Not too much new to update with. I had my first conference call last night and am very excited to be connected to some local surrogates! I am hoping at some point in the near future to get to meet them in person.

In the car today on the way home from Target, my 4 year old started asking about babies. She has her own new baby doll she bought with her birthday gift card at the toy store Monday that has gone with us everywhere - which also means we bring her toy shopping cart everywhere we go so her baby has something to ride in :) She asked about how "the other lady's baby" will get into my belly (she randomly asks so I was not surprised). So far I have just simply answered "science is really cool and a doctor will help it get there". She said she was glad her brother was part of our family and asked if the other baby would have a family to love it. I said of course, I would just get to grow to belly in my tummy and we would take good care of him/her until the day they were born - then the baby would go with its mommy and daddy home to live.
Then she told me the grass was almost touching the sky so someone should mow it so the sun still peeks out - and that she wanted a cheese stick and some grapes while she played in her sand table when we got home.

Some days our conversations are a bit deeper than other days :)
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