I went in for the ultrasound today - I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along! I had hoped to video chat with my IPs but I screwed that one up by not realizing FaceTime is not Facebook video chatting (I don't have an iPhone) - whoops. I felt very bad about that. My ultrasound tech allowed me to take a video to send to them along with the photos they took and messaged to me after the ultrasound was over. So at least they were able to see the baby's heart beating through that! We will get the chatting platform figured out for the next one in 2 weeks though! Baby's heartbeat is at 137bpm.
I had a small bleed just over a week ago, that we can with pretty good confidence say was from a really small SCH that showed up on the ultrasound today. The tech said I may see a little bleeding, or it will absorb and we wont see anything again. It is not threatening to the baby or myself and is fairly common in IVF pregnancies. So that was a relief to hear.
It was such a beautiful little sight to see. It was such a different feeling than my own. I felt just as much love - but the love was for this little baby and it's parents. That at the end of this journey they would be reunited and it will be exactly how it should be.
My middle holds tight that I can not have coffee (it was restricted until our beta tests starting back in the end of December) - which I can now, in moderation according to my OBs guidelines. It is funny since I love coffee and normally would never miss a chance to have some, that so far I have had one decaf iced caramel macchiato (a small one) and that has been it! My middle announced loudly in the halls at her school that "it was okay her little brother was drinking my smoothie because it is not coffee because I am so pregnant with a baby in my belly". Not many heard her and we had a little laugh over it. She is a little mommy at heart.
Gagging over anything and nothing at all has picked up, along with just general nausea most of the day (my 2 year old pretends to gag and then laugh at me now). That was something I went through with all 3 of my own - so I am used to it and try not to complain. It will pass in due time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would have loved for it to have missed me this time - but I am finding ways to deal. I bought some hard candies today as I am finding that eating/drinking to keep my belly from being empty helps. A handful of nuts (or a small cup of soup for example) here and there has been helpful - just to keep my tummy from becoming completely empty. So I rarely eat a full meal all at once - instead I break it up a bit. I am also exhausted come afternoon. I was cuddling with the little two the other day and fell asleep sitting with them while watching a movie. Not fully asleep as I was still aware they were touching either side of me - but enough where time had passed and I missed someone knocking at the door until I was poked by my middle one! I think part of it is from some of my medications too. Bruises are starting to show up on my backside where I do my PIO injections as well since they are every day now vs every other. I still rotate sides but they are just not getting that extra 2 days break before the next time it is poked again. The injections do not hurt - so no complaints. I will happily do them as long as necessary to help this little one along!
Cravings have included: veggie lo mein, a cuban sandwich (it needed extra pickles and crunchy chips) and pizza with extra sauce with green pepper and pineapple, a big green salad loaded with veggies and fruit smoothies. I am finding a fruit smoothie in the morning is an easy way for me to get something in my tummy without having to eat right away. I normally wait 2 hours before I eat in the morning as I just am not hungry, but with the nausea I just can not do that. After swinging into Target today I am thinking a vanilla bean frapp sounds good from Starbucks as well! I also just now, sparked a craving for oranges and cuties. I might need to make a stop if we go anywhere this weekend for some citrus fruits!
So nothing too crazy (some healthier than others but trying to keep the not so healthy in moderation) and I am still able to eat normally without many aversions - which has been nice. I did have to leave the room at dinner the other night while the kids ate because just the smell was making me gag!
I do think, that is all for now. I probably rambled enough by now anyways!
I had a small bleed just over a week ago, that we can with pretty good confidence say was from a really small SCH that showed up on the ultrasound today. The tech said I may see a little bleeding, or it will absorb and we wont see anything again. It is not threatening to the baby or myself and is fairly common in IVF pregnancies. So that was a relief to hear.
It was such a beautiful little sight to see. It was such a different feeling than my own. I felt just as much love - but the love was for this little baby and it's parents. That at the end of this journey they would be reunited and it will be exactly how it should be.
My middle holds tight that I can not have coffee (it was restricted until our beta tests starting back in the end of December) - which I can now, in moderation according to my OBs guidelines. It is funny since I love coffee and normally would never miss a chance to have some, that so far I have had one decaf iced caramel macchiato (a small one) and that has been it! My middle announced loudly in the halls at her school that "it was okay her little brother was drinking my smoothie because it is not coffee because I am so pregnant with a baby in my belly". Not many heard her and we had a little laugh over it. She is a little mommy at heart.
Gagging over anything and nothing at all has picked up, along with just general nausea most of the day (my 2 year old pretends to gag and then laugh at me now). That was something I went through with all 3 of my own - so I am used to it and try not to complain. It will pass in due time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would have loved for it to have missed me this time - but I am finding ways to deal. I bought some hard candies today as I am finding that eating/drinking to keep my belly from being empty helps. A handful of nuts (or a small cup of soup for example) here and there has been helpful - just to keep my tummy from becoming completely empty. So I rarely eat a full meal all at once - instead I break it up a bit. I am also exhausted come afternoon. I was cuddling with the little two the other day and fell asleep sitting with them while watching a movie. Not fully asleep as I was still aware they were touching either side of me - but enough where time had passed and I missed someone knocking at the door until I was poked by my middle one! I think part of it is from some of my medications too. Bruises are starting to show up on my backside where I do my PIO injections as well since they are every day now vs every other. I still rotate sides but they are just not getting that extra 2 days break before the next time it is poked again. The injections do not hurt - so no complaints. I will happily do them as long as necessary to help this little one along!
Cravings have included: veggie lo mein, a cuban sandwich (it needed extra pickles and crunchy chips) and pizza with extra sauce with green pepper and pineapple, a big green salad loaded with veggies and fruit smoothies. I am finding a fruit smoothie in the morning is an easy way for me to get something in my tummy without having to eat right away. I normally wait 2 hours before I eat in the morning as I just am not hungry, but with the nausea I just can not do that. After swinging into Target today I am thinking a vanilla bean frapp sounds good from Starbucks as well! I also just now, sparked a craving for oranges and cuties. I might need to make a stop if we go anywhere this weekend for some citrus fruits!
So nothing too crazy (some healthier than others but trying to keep the not so healthy in moderation) and I am still able to eat normally without many aversions - which has been nice. I did have to leave the room at dinner the other night while the kids ate because just the smell was making me gag!
I do think, that is all for now. I probably rambled enough by now anyways!
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