Beta and meds

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
I had my first Beta yesterday and it came back 265! Meaning ... I am officially pregnant!! I will go back tomorrow for a second draw to make sure that that number is at least doubling.

Looking at a full sharps container had me thinking about how many injections, pills and suppositories I have gone through so far.
So breaking it down:

 - 23 Lupron injections (Injected in the belly daily. I stopped doing them the week prior to transfer)

- 8 PIO injections (Progesterone in Oil; Intramuscular injection. Those are done every other day and started the week of transfer).

- 39 Estrogen patches (Ranging from wearing one patch at a time to 4 at at time currently. They are changed every other day).

- 34 Endometrin suppositories (Another form of progesterone; I started with 2x/day and now do them 3x/day)

- 40 Baby Asprin

- Daily prenantal and Vitamin D

Before transfer I had 2 ultrasounds to check my lining, 5 blood draws since starting meds up until now (with another tomorrow for my 2nd beta). I've had 3 days of bed rest (right after transfer), and now have various restrictions.

I have done all of my injections myself and have only almost fainted once (the first PIO injection). It has become part of my day and while I still write it down in my planner and have reminders in my google calendar, I just automatically know when to watch the clock and do everything.

I am currently 4 weeks pregnant - and meds (the PIO injections, endo suppositories, baby asprin) will continue until I am about 10 weeks where they will start to look at my numbers and begin weaning me off. I could be on meds until 12 weeks if necessary (with the exception of prenatals which will continue obviously throughout the pregnancy)!

Every single medication is incredibly important - I have zero complaints about any of them. While I would gladly inject myself 3x a day if it meant I would not have to do the suppositories - sure, I would actually do that in a heartbeat! But the suppositories are fine - messy - but fine and they do their job!!
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