29 weeks

Tuesday, July 31, 2018
It is getting hard to breathe.
Baby is currently breech and his/her head is sitting up in my lungs it feels like. I am finally giving in and making a chiropractic appointment to see if we cant make some room for baby to flip around soon. Just a hard pill to swallow - with everything going on with our middle kiddo, medical bills are up over $700 so far ... and we still have a few things to do before those will taper off., I have been saving every penny I come by. I would go to the end of the world for my own kids even if it means I sit uncomfortable for a while. Which I have been ... I just need some relief. So now that I have aired all that!
Baby moves around like crazy. All the time. Especially while I am trying to sleep. My belly button the other day was about 4" off center because of how baby was positioned. It was weird looking to be honest.
Everything is looking good at appointments. I go back in 1.5 weeks as we have started appointments every 2 weeks now. I had my TDAP booster at my 28 week ... I forgot how much they hurt! Though the pain was short lived thankfully (and let's be honest, at this point what is another injection ;)

I think that is about it ... there does not seem to be too much to update at the moment. Just counting down the days - time is passing  by very quick! I can not believe 30 weeks will hit on Sunday already.

People are very interested in surrogacy as they learn what I am doing (I have been getting a lot of questions after the kids will tell someone "we aren't keeping this one" since it seems everyone feels the need to ask my kids if they are having a brother or sister) - so it is pretty neat to share a little bit of it. I don't always based on time to be honest ... questions can get long and if we are in a hurry - I hate being rude. But most of the time we are able to spare a few to chat!

More to come as it happens I suppose!

heading into 28 weeks

Friday, July 20, 2018
Sunday will be 28 weeks and the THIRD TRIMESTER! Roughly 12 weeks to go ... seems like we just started most of this a few weeks ago. I honestly can not believe how fast this is going. Each week I get more and more excited for my IPs to meet their little one (though, I am trying not to wish the weeks away, I do love summer!).

If you see me here and there and it looks like I am wearing the same thing ... it's probably because I am wearing the same thing as the last time. So far I have been able to get away with 3 pair of shorts, 1 skirt, 2 casual dresses and 1 dress I made, plus a handful of tanks/t-shirts. I had to retire 2 of the t-shirts however, they are just not long enough anymore due to washing/drying and the belly (they were from my last keeper baby, so they have been through more than their share of wear!). I sewed up 2 tanks yesterday that will transition well for after baby for wearing with cardigans - so I am excited about those. I could sew a few more things but I have been only making stuff as needed - I don't go too many places where I need different outfits so I hate to make/buy clothing I might not be able to use after again. No complaints about it - I have been pretty proud of just going with the flow and making it work!

Baby is taking up quite a bit of real estate these days. Luckily mostly belly though it can be hard to breathe sitting for too long. I was struggling a little with the scale the other night - but remembered everything I have put myself through to get to this point and that feeling quickly - and I mean QUICKLY - vanished. Medications alone added 10lbs so taking that away I am right about where I was with my own kiddos. So again, not complaining because I said from the start I would do anything to make this successful - and we have!

Sitting on the floor with the kids is getting harder - mostly on my back. I tend to lay flat and put my feet up to help take the pressure off my back - which works well! I am still too stubborn to give in and pay for a massage. The husband tries to help but bless his heart - if he continues to do the dishes for me we can call it even ;) I might need to give in soon though - I hear the chiropractic office has a great massage therapist and their prices are no where near a salon/spa. Which, I do not need fancy - just effective!

My kids love feeling and SEEING baby move - which, baby is doing almost all of the time. I was able to point out the baby's butt poking up to my older two. They laughed and laughed and thought it was hilarious that we could feel that through my belly :) They all talk to baby constantly - mostly to say hi, goodnight and remind baby how much his/her parents love him/her.

Heartburn tends to show up whenever it feels like it. Sometimes it is intense, sometimes not as bad. Annoying, but nothing that can't be dealt with fairly easily.

We have toured the hospital, my doula and I have been in contact, and things are going along to plan. Very thankful for that. I will get an update to some vaccines at my next appointment and I believe at 32 weeks will have one last ultrasound to make sure everything looks good heading into the last few weeks.

I feel like that is about it for now ... happy everything is so "boring" and how it should be and hoping it continues that way!


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