Dear IPs

Sunday, August 6, 2017
Dear IPs,
We have only just met (that one time on a web chat) - but you are on this journey to grow your family and I am honored you chose me to join you. The trust in that is such a gift.  I did not come to the decision to become a surrogate in a days time. In fact, this has been building in my mind and in my heart for over 2 years now. While changes and events within my own family had us put this journey on hold for a while, I have never stopped thinking about who you might be and your story.
I will never pretend I know an ounce of your struggle that led you to this point. I can only guess this is not how you intended to grow your family. I can not begin to imagine the nerves you have going into this - having to learn to trust another woman to carry your baby(ies). Please know, I do not and never will take your incredible trust in me lightly. I imagine a million thoughts will go through your heads - Is she taking her prenatal vitamins? Is she avoiding certain foods? Is resting when she needs to and getting enough exercise at the same time? Will she call us with any changes - no matter how small?
Please know that I will take the utmost care of your baby, just as I would my own. While your journey has shown you heartbreak until this point, I have experienced the other side and promise to share that light and joy with you along the way, while respecting you may be hesitant, scared and anxious. We will navigate through this together.
I look forward to when we can chat more - and continue to learn more about each other.

With love from my heart to yours.

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